
Apps Vs SMS InfoGraphic: Text Messaging Kicks Butt

Illustration of a foot kicking a rear end

Apps Vs. SMS: SMS Kicks Butt

I am still asked regularly about how apps fare against SMS and why anyone would consider marketing with a relatively archaic mobile technology like a mass texting service when you can do so many amazing things with an app.

Those are good questions, but the answer is quite simple…

Because your audience prefers SMS / texting.

Here’s the thing…

App use (and development) is Driven by Marketers.

Your customers, on the other hand, are dialed in to text / SMS.

In other words, by and large your audience prefers SMS—it’s simple, comfortable and free.

Want to to take a guess how many apps the average smartphone user downloads each month?

Any takers?

The answer is ZERO. A big fat zero.

A recent Comcast study showed that almost 70% of smart phone users download no apps each month. That means the bulk of app installation is down by around a third of your audience, who on average download only 1–3 apps. Other data suggests the average person uses a mere 3 apps regularly.

In other words, it appears like “apps” have run their course. Sure, there will always be a few that gather traction here and there, but for the most part, people are either…

  1. Not downloading them at all.
  2. Downloading and then failing to install them.
  3. Installing them and uninstalling them when they realize they never use them, or are tired of them sucking up their phone’s performance and battery life.

Check out this infographic for the big picture story on apps via SMS for mobile marketing!

Apps vs. SMS Infographic